International Relations
Conflict Resolution
Bassam Tibi is Professor Emeritus of International Relations at the University of Goettingen, Germany, having taught there from 1973-2009.
Tibi is a native Syrian but gained German citizenship in 1974. He is known for his analysis of international relations and the introduction of Islam to the study of international conflict and of civilisation.
Tibi is perhaps best known for introducing the concept of Euroislam for the integration of Muslim immigrants in Europe. The concept is a so-called new kind of Islam which would combine the duties and principles of Islam with the contemporary European cultures, values and traditions such as human rights, rule of law, democracy and gender equality.
Tibi’s recent books include: The Shari’a-State. Arab Spring and Democratisation (2013), Islamism and Islam (2012) and: Islam in Global Politics. Conflict and Cross-Cultural Bridging (2012). His comprehensive life-time work on Islam was published 2009 under the title Islam’s Predicament with Modernity. Religious Reform and Cultural Change. His most recent book publication is the second edition of Political Islam, World Politics and Europe.